Total security




Bitdefender GravityZone Endpoint Security Platform defends your
endpoints from the full range of sophisticated cyber-attacks with high effi
cacy, low end-user impact and low administrative overhead. It consists of
multiple layers of defense that erect obstacles for the bad guys to make
sure they keep stumbling.


Bitdefender GravityZone Endpoint Security Platform defends your
endpoints from the full range of sophisticated cyber-attacks with high effi
cacy, low end-user impact and low administrative overhead. Each layer is
designed to stop specifi c types of threats, tools, or techniques, covering
multiple stages of the


In the current cybersecurity landscape, threat actors are always probing
and constantly switching tactics, making companies susceptible to malware
incidents and outbreaks, business disruption and data breaches. The
Bitdefender Memory Protection layer is part of the GravityZone Endpoint
Security platform. It provides protection against known and unknown exploits
targeting browser and application vulnerabilities in on-execution stage.

Ease Of Use — 10

Bitdefender’s apps include a polished interface and simple explanations so even beginners can understand the settings. Advanced users also have the freedom to tweak precise security configurations.

You can quickly install Bitdefender’s desktop or mobile apps with just a few clicks. Simply download and run the Bitdefender installer on Windows or Mac, and it will be automatically downloaded and installed. On my Windows device, it took roughly 5 minutes from start to finish. I also recommend you download the mobile apps from this link so you can easily get a refund without going through the Google Play store or Apple App Store.

Desktop App — Great Interface With Well-Explained Options for Windows and Mac

Bitdefender’s Windows and Mac desktop apps are well-designed and customizable. You can arrange your dashboard for quick access to your favorite features, including specific scans, SafePay, and more.

I also found Bitdefender is a good choice for users who prefer to install an antivirus and forget about it. The firewall continuously reconfigures itself and you can activate silent updates so you’re never interrupted when they occur. You can even schedule regular scans so your system takes care of itself and detects threats without your intervention.

You can easily discover what all options do thanks to Bitdefender’s clear explanations

Mobile App — Intuitive Design With Useful Extra Features for Android and iPhone

Bitdefender Mobile Security is a great companion app to keep your mobile device as secure as your computer. Its useful features make the Total and Premium Security plans worth considering to protect your device. On Android, these protections include:

  • Threat Scanning: Scans your device for malware, ransomware, potentially unwanted applications, adware, fake apps, and more.
  • VPN: Encrypts your mobile connection and hides your data.
  • Web Protection: Scans web pages in real-time to block dangerous sites.
  • Anti-Theft: Lets you remotely wipe, lock, locate, and recover or erase data from your device in the event that it’s stolen.
  • Account Privacy: Regularly scans your email addresses to inform you if you’ve been part of a data breach.
  • App Lock: Adds a pin code to any app to prevent unauthorized access.

Note that on iOS, you only get access to the Web Protection, VPN, and Account Privacy features.

When I downloaded Bitdefender on my Android phone, it guided me through a quick overview to explain what each feature does. The dashboard shows if your device is safe and gives you easy access to the built-in VPN. Here you can also find some suggested actions to increase your device security.

Bitdefender’s mobile app has useful additional features unlike many other antivirus services

Лучшие бесплатные антивирусы

 Avast Free Antivirus

Рейтинг: 4.9

Почему первое место: Максимальная функциональность даже в бесплатной версии.

Описание: Возглавляющий рейтинг бесплатный антивирус Avast по популярности сравним разве что со встроенным в Windows 10 «Защитником». Легковесный и проработанный, он не нагружает компьютер и показывает уведомления не чаще 1 раза в 3-4 дня. При этом Avast работает – от вирусов защищают сразу два движка: оффлайн, который сверяет сигнатуры вредоносного ПО с базой, и онлайн, отправляющий неизвестные файлы в «облако» для проверки. Эвристический анализ, защищающий от угроз нулевого дня, также есть.

Механизмы сканирования проверяют жесткие диски, используемые пароли, сетевое подключение и поведение программ. Антивирус анализирует активные файлы и поэтому предотвращает проникновение вредоносного ПО на компьютер из загрузок, с флешек или из кейгенов. А автоматически активирующийся режим игры отключает все уведомления, включая системные и от сторонних программ, для беспрерывного геймплея.

  • Отнимает до 50 МБ оперативной памяти при работе;
  • Три движка защиты, включая превентивный эвристический анализ;
  • Режим игры с отключением уведомлений.


  • Полноценный веб-экран только в платной версии;
  • Лицензию нужно обновлять каждый год, после двух-трёх месяцев «паузы» продлить её невозможно;
  • При установке требует постоянного и надёжного подключения к интернету.

360 Total Security

Рейтинг: 4.8

Почему второе место: Три движка сканирования, малая нагрузка на компьютер, но встроенная реклама.

Описание: 360 Total Security – «швейцарский нож» среди антивирусов. Он использует наибольшее в рейтинге число движков – четыре. Это оффлайновые Avira и Bitdefender, базирующийся на искусственном интеллекте 360 QVMII и облачный сканер. Движки защищают от известных угроз, сравнивая сигнатуры вирусов, и от неизвестных, анализируя поведение программ.

Также антивирус защищает от программ-вымогателей, кейлоггеров и модификации системы. Подозрительные приложения запускаются в песочнице. Антивирус загружает критические обновления Windows для защиты от системных уязвимостей, проверяет безопасность беспроводной сети и предотвращает перехват платёжной информации при покупках в интернете.

Также в 360 Total Security встроены уничтожитель файлов, инструменты очистки и оптимизации операционной системы, режим обновления драйверов и планировщик.

  • Четыре антивирусных движка, которые можно включать и выключать;
  • Дополнительные функции;
  • Загрузка критически важных обновлений операционной системы.


  • Реклама;
  • Множество уведомлений и всплывающих окон;
  • «Из коробки» антивирусные движки Avira и Bitdefender отключены.

Panda Free Antivirus

Рейтинг: 4.7

Почему третье место: Бесплатный VPN и минимальная нагрузка на систему, но ограниченная функциональность.

Описание: Panda Free Antivirus – единственный в рейтинге антивирус, который предлагает бесплатное VPN-подключение. Правда, объём передаваемого трафика ограничен 150 мегабайтами в день, однако этого достаточно для большинства покупок в интернете или доступа к заблокированным сайтам.

Движок антивируса использует методику облачного сравнения сигнатур. Благодаря этому нагрузка на компьютер минимальна. Panda защищает от «новых» вирусов, поскольку облачные сигнатуры обновляются ежечасно

Особое внимание антивирус уделяет защите от вирусов, попадающих с USB-накопителей, поэтому он рекомендуется к установке на публичные компьютеры.

В антивирусе можно создать загрузочную чистящую флешку, которая удаляет вирусы с заблокированных компьютеров – например, «подхвативших» баннеры-вымогатели. Как и Avast, Panda Free Antivirus поддерживает игровой режим с отключением уведомлений, включая системные.


  • Расширенные режимы защиты доступны только в платных версиях;
  • Объём передаваемого по VPN трафика ограничен 150 мегабайтами в день;
  • Снижение уровня защиты при отключении от интернета.

Frequently asked questions

How does Bitdefender Family Pack
protect me against cyber threats?

Bitdefender Family Pack provides the best protection in the industry, as proven by the
last 10 years of independent test scores.

Easy to install and use, Bitdefender Family Pack reacts
instantly to cyber threats with no compromise to your system’s

Does Bitdefender Family Pack
protect me against ransomware?

Ransomware is malicious software designed to block access to the personal files on
your computer until a sum of money is paid to the attacker.

Bitdefender Family Pack offers unbeatable ransomware protection that keeps your
documents, pictures and videos safe from all known and emerging cyber threats.

This security solution can identify even the latest ransomware families through the
use of multiple layers of protection designed to detect malware during various stages of
the attack.

What type of devices and
operating systems does Bitdefender Family Pack cover?

Bitdefender Family Pack will protect your Windows PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets
running Android or iOS against all cyber threats.

Why do I need Bitdefender Family
Pack on Windows 10/ macOS/ Android?

Windows 10 lets you run the security program of your choosing, and Bitdefender Family
Pack is the perfect option if you need a complex digital protection suite that covers all
devices and operating systems in your household.

With the rapid evolution of malware, Macs have become increasingly vulnerable. This is
why it is always recommended to leave security in the hands of specialists. Bitdefender
Family Pack makes sure your Mac is protected from all new and existing cyber-threats.

Some of your most personal data is stored on your Android smartphone — and you need to
know it is safe at all times. Bitdefender Family Pack takes care of your online privacy
and private information without interfering in your day-to-day activities.

How does Bitdefender Family Pack
compare to other Bitdefender security suites?

Bitdefender Family Pack offers cross-platform protection that covers Windows PCs,
Macs, Smartphones and Tablets running Android or iOS for up to 15 devices.

Need unlimited VPN traffic? Bitdefender Premium Security includes Bitdefender Total
Security, Bitdefender Premium VPN for Unlimited Traffic & Premium Support.

Do I get a VPN with my
Bitdefender Family Pack subscription?

Bitdefender Family Pack comes with a basic version of Bitdefender VPN that includes a
generous amount of traffic (6GB monthly), free of charge.

If you need unlimited traffic, add Bitdefender Premium VPN to your Bitdefender

Can I try Bitdefender Family Pack
before buying?

You can always try before you buy. Download your free 30-day full trial version of
Bitdefender Family Pack and test the complete package, no credit card required.

How do I activate Bitdefender
Family Pack?

I changed my computer. How do I
reinstall Bitdefender Family Pack?

Log in to your Bitdefender Central account, go to My Devices and start installing
Bitdefender on your new device. If the old computer is no longer in use, you will not
need an additional slot on your subscription.

Do I have to renew Bitdefender
Family Pack?

To help you stay protected, Bitdefender Family Pack can be purchased as a subscription
that will automatically renew if you enrolled at the time of purchase.

If you purchased Bitdefender Family Pack without enrolling in automatic renewal, you
can choose to renew early or purchase for another year (or upgrade) close to the
expiration date, depending on the time left on your subscription.


Антивирусная программа Bitdefender free имеет несколько явных преимуществ по сравнению со своими конкурентами. В первую очередь следует выделить облачные технологии. Благодаря подобному функционалу, приложение выявляет даже ранее неизвестные угрозы. Другие же антивирусные программы неспособны своевременно вычислить новые вирусы, так как они отсутствуют в их базе.

Еще одним неоспоримым плюсом Bitdefender free можно считать используемую технологию Smart Scan. Благодаря подобному функционалу, ранее проверенные файлы помещаются в фильтр, который позволяет игнорировать отмеченные приложения. Это значит, что мониторинг системы будет проходить быстрее, так как программа не тратит время на ранее проверенные файлы.

Проверка системы во время простоя позволяет сэкономить ресурсы компьютера. Большая часть антивирусов работает в тот момент, когда пользователь работает на компьютере. Это вызывает некоторые сложности, так как ресурсов не хватает, а система начинает зависать.

Разработчиками был предусмотрен модуль фильтрации агрессивных сайтов, написанных на html, php или java. Модуль позволяет своевременно распознать потенциально опасные ресурсы. После обнаружения опасного сайта, происходит его блокировка. Именно поэтому вероятность «подцепить» вирус на сайтах крайне мала.

Новичкам будет просто разобраться с Bitdefender antivirus free, так как приложение полностью автоматизировано. Пользователю необходимо всего лишь установить программу, а затем наслаждаться ее работой.

Многие пользователи считают плюсом то, что у приложения Bitdefender antivirus free имеется портативная версия. Это означает, что антивирус можно не устанавливать. Подобное приложение позволяет проверять компьютеры, которые не подключены к интернету.

В отличие от конкурентов, программа занимает мало места на жестком диске. Что касается обновлений, то они также имеют маленький размер. Пользователю необходимо всего лишь выбрать папку для установки.

In a Rush? Here’s a 1-Minute Summary

  • Efficient malware detection and removal. Protects you with state-of-the-art malware detection, real-time scans, and strong security against ransomware and phishing. .
  • Comprehensive additional security features. With a password manager, VPN, file shredder, parental controls, and more, Bitdefender offers you protection beyond traditional antivirus. .
  • Intuitive apps on both desktop and mobile. Available on Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and some IoT devices. An automated installer makes getting Bitdefender set up on your desktop a breeze and the app is easy to use. Its mobile apps are also intuitive, even for beginners. .
  • Helpful 24/7 customer support. Offers live chat, email, and phone support as well as an active forum where you can ask other users and experts questions. .
  • Multiple premium options and a limited free version. The Total Security plan is the overall best value and has Mac support. Unfortunately, the 2 introductory plans are Windows-only. .

Frequently asked questions

How does Bitdefender Total Security
protect me against viruses, malware and cyber threats?

Bitdefender Total Security provides the best anti-malware protection in the industry, as
proven by the last 10 years of independent test scores.

You get a wealth of advanced security and privacy features for Windows, Android and iOS —
plus many bonus features, including VPN and Premium Parental Control.

Easy to install and use, Bitdefender Total Security reacts instantly to malware with no
compromise to your system’s performance.

Does Bitdefender Total Security
protect me against ransomware?

Ransomware is malicious software designed to block access to the personal files on your
computer until a sum of money is paid to the attacker.

Bitdefender Total Security offers unbeatable ransomware protection that keeps your
documents, pictures and videos safe from all known and emerging cyber threats.

This security solution can identify even the latest ransomware families through the use
of multiple layers of protection designed to detect malware during various stages of the

What type of devices and operating
systems does Bitdefender Total Security cover?

Bitdefender Total Security will protect your Windows PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets
running Android or iOS against all malware threats.

Why do I need Bitdefender Total
Security on Windows 10/ macOS/ Android?

Windows 10 lets you run the anti-malware program of your choosing, and Bitdefender Total
Security is the perfect option if you need a security suite that goes beyond traditional
malware protection.

With the rapid evolution of malware, Macs have become increasingly vulnerable. This is
why it is always recommended to leave security in the hands of specialists. Bitdefender
Total Security makes sure your Mac is protected from all new and existing

Some of your most personal data is stored on your Android smartphone — and you need to
know it is safe at all times. Bitdefender Total Security takes care of your online privacy
and private information without interfering in your day-to-day activities.

How does Bitdefender Total Security
compare to other Bitdefender security suites?

Bitdefender Total Security offers cross-platform protection that covers Windows PCs,
Macs, Smartphones and Tablets running Android or iOS for up to 10 devices.

Need more devices? Bitdefender Family Pack includes Bitdefender Total Security for up to
15 devices.

If you are a Small Business, check Bitdefender Small Office Security, which is available
for up to 20 devices.

Need unlimited VPN traffic? Bitdefender Premium Security includes Bitdefender Total
Security, Bitdefender Premium VPN for Unlimited Traffic & Premium Support.

Do I get a VPN with my
Bitdefender Total Security subscription?

Bitdefender Total Security comes with a basic version of Bitdefender VPN that includes
a generous amount of traffic (6GB monthly), free of charge.

If you need unlimited traffic, add Bitdefender Premium VPN to your Bitdefender

Can I try Bitdefender Total Security
before buying?

You can always try before you buy. Download your free 30-day full trial version of
Bitdefender Total Security and test the complete package, no credit card required.

How do I activate Bitdefender Total

I changed my computer. How do I
reinstall Bitdefender Total Security?

Log in to your Bitdefender Central account, go to My Devices and start installing
Bitdefender on your new device. If the old computer is no longer in use, you will not need
an additional slot on your subscription.

Do I have to renew Bitdefender Total

To help you stay protected, Bitdefender Total Security can be purchased as a subscription
that will automatically renew if you enrolled at the time of purchase.

If you purchased Bitdefender Total Security without enrolling in automatic renewal, you
can choose to renew early or purchase for another year (or upgrade) close to the expiration
date, depending on the time left on your subscription.

Support — 10

24/7 Live Chat — The Fastest Way to Get Help

Bitdefender’s live chat is the fastest way to get help. Finding the live chat option is extremely simple (unlike some competitors like Avast) and I connected to an agent in just 1 minute. I asked for information on various features like the File Shredder and the free trial, and received a quick and helpful response in all cases.

Bitdefender’s live chat was fast and helpful

Phone Support — Slower Support but Good for More Complex Queries

I was glad to see that Bitdefender’s phone support is available in 17 countries in Spanish, French, German, and Japanese. You can also reach a worldwide number with English support.

I called the UK helpline at 3:30pm CET and was on hold for just under 12 minutes. This isn’t necessarily bad for phone support, but it’s significantly longer than using live chat. However, it’s a good option if you have a question about something complex. I spoke to an agent about problems with the Bitdefender VPN not working with P2P software, which they explained was something you can set up in the advanced options.

Community Forum — Useful for Less Time-Sensitive Issues

The forum is a good place to check before reaching out to support. It offers a ton of information about issues that other users have already troubleshot. Plus, it’s available in English, German, Spanish, French, and Romanian. Bitdefender’s forum is easy to navigate and contains a huge number of useful threads that you can search.

When I needed help fully removing Bitdefender from my PC, I was happy I quickly found a thread that contained the solution.

Bitdefender’s support forum is a great place to find help when it’s not urgent

Awarded by the top channel auditors

Bitdefender given for the sixth straight year 5-star rating in CRN’s 2021 Partner Program Guide. The annual Guide provides a conclusive list of the most distinguished partner programs from leading technology companies.

Bitdefender has won entry to the prestigious Cloud Partner Program Guide for the sixth year in a row. CRN’s Guide serves as a valuable resource for solution providers navigating the booming cloud marketplace, helping them identify technology suppliers with innovative cloud offerings and partner programs.

Bitdefender Partner Advantage Network Reselling Channel
Program Win #5: CRN 5 Stars 5 Times in 5 Years

Bitdefender wins Cloud Partner Program of the Year at
Channel Partner Insight Channel Innovation Awards

Bitdefender featured in CRN 2019 Cloud Partner Program
Guide with its Revamped MSP Partner Advantage Network Program.

Bitdefender given for the fourth straight year 5-Star
rating in CRN’s 2019 Partner Program Guide. The annual guide recognizes the channel’s top
partner programs.

Bitdefender featured for the 4th year in a row in CRN 2018
Cloud Partner Program Guide, a list of leading technology vendors with cloud-related
partner programs.

Bitdefender given for the third straight year 5-Star
rating in CRN’s 2018 Partner Program Guide. The annual guide recognizes the channel’s top
partner programs.

Features of Bitdefender Free Antivirus

Scanning and Virus Removal

The free anti-virus comes with powerful and updated scan engines that allow for the detection and immediate removal of all malware. The scan engines are on-access, and on-demand scanning enabled which makes it reliable and convenient for the removal of basic and complex malware. This feature is similar to the premium Bitdefender which makes the free version reliable when dealing with high-risk browsing or projects


Say goodbye to phishing problems with the all new free 2017 Bitdefender. Through its auto-sniff technology, the Bitdefender Free Antivirus sniffs and subsequently blocks various websites that are set up to appear as trustworthy in a bid to steal financial and personal data such as credit information and user passwords. The up to date anti-phishing technology makes the antivirus reliable when used in public networks such as airport Wi-Fi and also when signing up or signing into suspicious websites.

Active Threat Control

The Bitdefender Antivirus Free relies on an innovative technique referred to as behavioral detection. The behavioral detection technique plays a significant role in constantly monitoring all your active apps. Therefore, it takes immediate action of stopping the application whenever it detects suspicious and fishy activities. This helps keep you protected at all time while giving you the freedom to use various applications freely.


The Bitdefender Antivirus Free 2017 edition is the most advanced free edition. It brags of a technologically advanced system that filters and warns you whenever you stumble upon malicious websites. The advanced filtering system is reliable in determining scam sites that are set to scam you such as money load websites, online casinos and even credit card demanding porn sites. The Bitdefender anti-fraud system enables you to browse securely without unscrupulous websites retaining your personal information.

Quarantine and file logging

the antivirus is quarantine enabled. This gives it the ability to seclude applications and send suspicious one to the quarantine. This allows the user to review the application and decide whether to remove or retain the items


fast in detecting and subsequently quarantining suspicious files. Additionally, it does not occupy too much space as it runs on insignificant RAM memory. Scans are concluded rapidly and do not cause the PC to hang when in use.


The Bitdefender free edition is Windows, Mac OS, Android Tablet and Android phone compatible, which allows you to use the antivirus in devices with the above mentioned operating systems.

Additional requirements

For the Anti-virus to work on your PC, the following must be satisfied:

  • Your PC processor must be 2GHz (Intel Core Due), superior or equivalent processor.
  • The basic RAM required for the program to run is a minimum of 1.5 GB.
  • Your PC hard disc must have over 800MB available for full functionality.
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